Product ratings
Display options for product reviews app in Modular
Display options for product reviews app in Modular
Modular has built-in support for Shopify's product reviews app. Star ratings can be shown throughout the theme.
Star and average rating value next to product name:
Individual reviews and forms to add a new review can be shown below the product description:
Collection page and product grid sections
Stars can be shown above product name and price:
The option to enable this can be found in the collection pages section under the theme settings tab.
Modular includes quick and easy settings in the theme editor to display ratings. The main requirement is that you have the Shopify reviews app installed:
If you don't have the app installed, use this link to download it.
For the product detail page, you can easily add the rating value, star, and the number of ratings from the price and title block under the 'product page' section:
There are checkboxes for the following:
Show star rating - Adds a star icon next to the rating number.
Show rating count - Displays the number of reviews for the current product.